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Powdered drink

Drink powder with xylitol or erythritol for the preparation of cold and hot drinks.

Eistee Pfirsich mit Süßungsmittel
€6.89 *
Content: 0.16 kg (€43.06 / 1 kg)

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Eistee Zitrone mit Süßungsmittel
€6.89 *
Content: 0.16 kg (€43.06 / 1 kg)
Eistee-Set mit Trinkflasche aus Glas
€19.99 *
Heiße Schoki groß (zuckerfreies Kakao-Getränkepulver mit Xylit)
€11.99 *
Content: 0.8 kg (€14.99 / 1 kg)

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Heiße Schoki klein (zuckerfreies Kakao-Getränkepulver mit Xylit)
€4.49 *
Content: 0.2 kg (€22.45 / 1 kg)

Average rating of 4.2 out of 5 stars

Pfirsich & Zitrone Eistee-Set
€12.39 *
Content: 0.32 kg (€38.72 / 1 kg)

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Powdered drinks with Xucker - pleasantly sweet and good for the conscience

Especially with drinks we often consume large amounts of sugar quickly. Not only soft drinks like cola (approx. 90 g sugar per liter), but also hot drinks like hot chocolate (15 - 20 g sugar / cup) and coffee specialties (10 - 15 g sugar / cup) usually contain large amounts of sugar. This is one of the reasons why the cocoa powder of a well-known manufacturer failed the Öko-Test. In addition to the large amount of mineral oil (!), the testers were bothered by the extremely high sugar content. You can cleverly avoid this trap with a powdered drink without sugar. Because if you take a closer look at the ingredients of conventional powders, even the untrained eye will notice: Sugar is the most important ingredient with over 70%. This is how much conventional beverage powders contain:

  • Nestlé Nesquik: 77,7 g sugar / 100 g
  • Kraftfoods Kaba: 77,5 g sugar / 100 g
  • Elephant Vanilla Chai: 64,29 g sugar / 100 g

The joy of "healthy cocoa" in the morning is thus quickly pulverized with the realization of drinking mostly sugar. The fact that the myth of the health benefits of cocoa drinks has persisted for so long is due to the strong sugar lobby. It has no interest whatsoever in banning the harmful sweetness from foods. So opt for pleasure and health without sugar instead.

Xucker is more enjoyment with less sugar

If you have a sugared muesli or a roll with jam or chocolate cream for breakfast, you have already exceeded the maximum amount of 25 g of sugar per day recommended by the WHO . With so much sugar you put an unnecessary strain on your organism. Instead, use sugar-reduced drinks or drink powders to reduce the "sugar glut" in your body - for example, our Xucker Hot Chocolate or the lactose-free Chai Latte powder with exotic spices. The problem with cocoa or coffee: unsweetened, both are often too tart. The bitter taste that coffee and cocoa naturally bring doesn't appeal to everyone. That's why we have developed a hot chocolate with a high cocoa content (30%) that is wonderfully creamy and tastes intensely of chocolate. In the case of the chai latte, we have taken our cue from well-known brands in terms of taste, but have developed a lactose-free variant with no added sugar. The lactose contained in the milk powder has been enzymatically converted into glucose, hence the sugar content. Added sugar is not contained.


Fruchtaufstrich Birne-Vanille (76% Frucht)
€3.39 * €3.99* (15.04% saved)
Content: 0.22 kg (€15.41 / 1 kg)
Xucker Like Sugar Vorteilsbox
€33.99 *
Content: 3.5 kg (€9.71 / 1 kg)
Fruchtiges Einstiegspaket
€18.99 * €26.85* (29.27% saved)
Content: 1.97 kg (€9.64 / 1 kg)
Schokoladiges Einstiegspaket
€19.99 * €27.75* (27.96% saved)
Content: 2.09 kg (€9.56 / 1 kg)
Grilltrio-Set (BBQ-Ketchup-Senf)
€11.39 *
Content: 0.95 Liter (€11.99 / 1 Liter)

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Pfirsich & Zitrone Eistee-Set
€12.39 *
Content: 0.32 kg (€38.72 / 1 kg)

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Flave Powder 3er Set Vanille, Erdbeere & Mango-Maracuja (Geschmackspulver)
€24.19 *
Content: 360 g (€0.07 / 1 g)
Flave Powder Mango-Maracuja (Geschmackspulver)
€8.99 *
Content: 120 g (€0.07 / 1 g)
Haselnuss Schokoladen 2er-Set
€3.60 * €4.59* (21.57% saved)
Content: 0.16 kg (€22.50 / 1 kg)
Xucker Weiße Schokoladen-Mix
€5.60 * €6.39* (12.36% saved)
Content: 0.24 kg (€23.33 / 1 kg)
Eistee-Set mit Trinkflasche aus Glas
€19.99 *
Xucker Zero Sugar Dose
€9.49 *
Content: 0.7 kg (€13.56 / 1 kg)
Trinkflasche aus Glas & mit Bambusdeckel
€9.99 *
Content: 1 (€9.99/ 1 )
Senf, mittelscharf (Erythrit)
€3.99 *
Content: 0.2 Liter (€19.95 / 1 Liter)
Eistee Zitrone mit Süßungsmittel
€6.89 *
Content: 0.16 kg (€43.06 / 1 kg)

Average rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Eistee Pfirsich mit Süßungsmittel
€6.89 *
Content: 0.16 kg (€43.06 / 1 kg)
Xylit-Kaugummis Spearmint - Set mit Nachfüllpack
€25.79 *
Content: 0.7 kg (€36.84 / 1 kg)
Xylit-Kaugummis Fruchtmix - Set mit Nachfüllpack
€25.79 *
Content: 0.7 kg (€36.84 / 1 kg)
Xylit-Kaugummis Freshmint - Set mit Nachfüllpack
€25.79 *
Content: 0.7 kg (€36.84 / 1 kg)

Delicious drink powder without sugar shock

Some may still believe it today, that a highly sugary hot chocolate for breakfast is healthy. Most now know better, because brazen advertising lies such as the cocoa drink titled as a "healthy treat" are now banned. And because it sometimes has to go fast or we want to "sweeten" a drink on the go without falling into the sugar trap, we have developed drink powders without added sugar.

For our hot chocolate, we use xylitol, which it supports the taste of cocoa particularly harmoniously. It does not have the negative effect on the body as sugar and is therefore the better choice. Xylitol increases blood sugar levels only slightly, its glycemic index is 10, while that of glucose is 100. For the body, therefore, eating large quantities of conventional sugar means a lot of stress. It ensures that the energy level rises briefly due to the sugar, only to be sent into the basement by the insulin that is released. Fatigue, tiredness and, in the long term, obesity and even diabetes can be the consequences. So it's up to you: make the right choice.

Powdered drinks with Xucker - a tasty start to the day.

Zuckerfreie Getränkepulver mit Xylit oder Erythrit sind unsere Alternativen für Aufgeweckte. Wer lieber selbst entscheidet, wie süß das Getränk sein soll, anstatt Getränkepulver ohne Zucker einzusetzen, dem empfehlen wir das reine Xucker Premium aus unserem Sortiment – oder wahlweise Erythrit, die kalorienfreie Variante unserer Süßungsmittel, bei uns als Xucker Light bekannt. Beide eignen sich auch hervorragend zum Süßen von ungezuckerten Cerealien oder Joghurts sowie zum Backen und Kochen. Wer braucht da noch Zucker? Starte also lieber mit Xucker in den Tag und bleib fit und gesund.